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Main Office
40-12 80th Street
Elmhurst , NY , 11373

#1 Body Contouring, Coolsculpting, and Laser Skin Tightening

in The Bronx, Queens and Fort Lee

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You have done the work. You have dieted relentlessly, you have exercised diligently, but that one bit of stubborn fat just will not go away. At this point, what more can you do? When you feel like you have done everything you possibly can to get rid of that persistent fat on your body, it may be time to call in the experts at Metro Dermatology for help — and luckily, we are here for you. With CoolSculpting Queens, NY, we can help you get rid of the stubborn fat that just will not go away, so you can enjoy the fruit of your labors and show off that body you have worked so hard for!

What Is It?

CoolSculpting is a fat-freezing, FDA-cleared, non-surgical procedure that uses controlled cooling to get rid of those stubborn pockets of fat that will not go away, despite how much you exercise and diet to get rid of them. CoolSculpting is a non-invasive procedure, which makes it an excellent option for anyone who is looking to avoid invasive, surgical procedures to get the slim shape they desire.

What Can I Expect?

Our team can customize the CoolSculpting procedure to target the areas that you want to focus on, eliminating the fat in the areas you feel most self-conscious about. You may achieve the desired results in one visit, or it may take multiple trips to our offices, depending on the target areas and how much work needs to be done to achieve your goals. Our team will be happy to work with you to find the best and most personalized CoolSculpting experience for you!

CoolSculpting works by freezing and eliminating small pockets of fat cells — all without damaging the skin or surrounding tissue. The procedure delivers controlled cooling to the target area, and it’s all done safely and efficiently. The fat cells are crystallized, or frozen, and they eventually die, leaving your body to process and eliminate the fat cells, which ultimately gives your body the shape you desire.

Am I a Candidate?

While CoolSculpting is a great treatment for getting rid of stubborn pockets of fat, it is not intended as a weight loss method. Therefore, the ideal candidates for CoolSculpting are people who work out and eat well and are at or near their ideal weight, and not people who are still working on getting to their weight goal. The procedure is designed for men or women who are at or near their ideal weight.

So what are you waiting for?

Contact Metro Dermatology to schedule a consultation to see if CoolSculpting Queens is the right treatment for you!

What is Laser Skin Tightening?

Known for its non-invasive nature, laser skin tightening is gaining popularity worldwide. Advances in laser technology make it possible to penetrate into the skin surface and target affected blood vessels and tissues without harming surrounding healthy tissues.

During laser treatments of the past required extensive healing and recovery time, lasers are now designed to create maximum results while allowing patients to resume their normal activities more quickly.

What Lasers Do We Offer?

At Metro Dermatology, we stay current on the most advanced laser technologies. Depending on skin type and condition, we utilize multiple lasers for skin tightening, including:

Erbium Glass Laser

Used to improve sun damage, acne scars and the visible signs of aging, the beam delivered by this laser is broken up into fractionated, microscopic beams that deliver appropriate heat to treated areas, allowing for faster healing.

MOSAIC Fractional Laser

While fractional lasers have been in the cosmetic market for several years, the MOSAIC is the latest advancement in this technology. Creating a mosaic pattern of microscopic wounds, this laser stimulates the body’s natural healing process, promoting the production of new collagen to improve skin gradually over time.

Gentle YAG Laser

Using infrared technology, the Gentle YAG delivers a soothing warming sensation to the skin as it treats targeted areas.

What is Body Contouring?

As laser skin tightening improves lines, wrinkles and inconsistencies in the skin, body contouring treats loose skin and reduces the appearance of cellulite to add definition to problem areas such as the abdomen, thighs, arms and face.

At Metro Dermatology, we offer safe contouring treatments for the body as well as the face and neck areas, including:

Non-invasive radiofrequency

This device is used to heat treated areas, tightening collagen fibers in the skin and combining cooling technology to reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Ultrasound-assisted liposuction/laser assisted skin tightening

Used to add definition and better contours to areas that do not typically respond to diet and exercise, these techniques liquefy fat before it is removed. This reduces the amount of trauma to the body and significantly reduces side effects and healing time.

Contact Us

Our medical team will evaluate your general health, medical history and cosmetic goals and expectations to help you determine whether these treatments are right for you.

Contact Metro Dermatology today to schedule a consultation and begin your journey to looking better and feeling better about your body.

Main Office
40-12 80th Street
Elmhurst , NY , 11373

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